Dharmika D
4 min readSep 25, 2021


Hello Everyone!! I’m here with a interesting blog for people who think linux is so boring.

.to say , it’s not! Well you will agree that linux is fun as you go through my blog.😉

To download or install any software we need to configure “yum” command.


STEP 1: To install any software we need to have a DVD or “.iso” file attached to system. Here, I used redhat OS and rhel8 iso file.

link for iso file download :

STEP 2: After attaching the dvd , click on activities, go to files

STEP 3: Click on the dvd file and you will be redirected into it.

STEP 4: After entering into the dvd file, we will find two major files namely AppStream and BaseOS.

STEP 5: Now, right click on white space and choose “open in terminal”. We will be directly driven to the dvd terminal.

STEP 6: After opening terminal , run “pwd” command to get the path of that folder. Copy that path.

STEP 7: After copying the path . Go to repos.d folder using command :-

→ #cd /etc/yum.repos.d

and create a file using text editor with file extension “.repo” , otherwise the configuration will fail.

STEP 8: Write the following code in the text editor and save it

STEP 9: Open any browser and search for “rhel8 rpm repository”

STEP 10: you will find following links . click on the marked link.

STEP 11: scroll down and find a command for installation of yum.

STEP 12: Copy the command and paste it in the terminal and run it. “yum “ will automatically configure.

After configuring “yum” command , to run the fun commands we need to know the softwares that they support.

I made a small video clip. Do refer it for installation of funny commands.


I listed few of them.

  1. # yum install sl

# sl


2. #yum install cowsay

# cowsay “hiie”


3. # cowsay -f kiss “hello”


Other commands that you can try —

# cowthink ..I’m beautiful

# yes I love linux

# cowsay -f dragon-and-cow “hi”

# cowsay -f surgery “hi”

output of surgery

can try many more commands in → # cowsay -l

Hope you find my blog interesting
. see you with next interesting topic. Thank you 😁

