Dharmika D
3 min readSep 24, 2021


In this blog we will go through date command and various options supported by it.

  1. To display the abbreviated weekday

command: date +%a

2. To display full weekday name

command: date +%A

3. To display abbreviated month name

command: date +%b

4. To display full month name

command: date +%B

5. to display full date

command: date +%F

6. To display hours in time

command: date +%H

7. To display day of the year

command: date +%j

8. To display time in nanoseconds

command: date +%N

9. To display equivalent of “AM” or “PM”

command: date +%p

10. To display 12 hour clock time

command: date +%r

11. To display 24-hour hour and minute

command: date +%R

12. To display seconds since 1970–01–01 00:00:00 UTC

command: date +%s

13. To display day of the week (1…7), it would take monday=1, tuesday=2 and so on sunday=7

command: date +%u

14. To display hour and minute in numeric time zone format (+hhmm)

command: date +%z

15. To display alphabetic time zone abbreviation

command : date +%Z

and many other options are also available. To get into the manual of date in Linux , we use command → man date

This gives the user manual of date command with lot many options.

can refer the above given URL for other command options.

Hope you find my blog informative. Thank you ! 😊

